6. MY_VIDEO LEARNING → VL_Producivity & Quality Improvement

VL_AS13100 Key Requirements for Process FMEA & Control Plans Webinar

Led by Dr. Ian Riggs, this series of interactive webinars describes the intent of the AESQ AS13100 requirements for Process FMEA and Control Plans and how they link to the effective deployment of Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) and a Zero Defect Strategy.

These webinars explain how AS13100 Process FMEA and Control Plans can be developed, maintained, and improved using real examples of best practices from across the industry. They illustrate the unique approach to the use of Reference Process FMEAs to help standardize the organization’s PFMEAs and to reduce the length of time taken to create them.

Overview of the requirements for Process FMEA and Control Plans in Chapter C of AS13100 and their link to the APQP / PPAP process. Explanation of the intent of each requirement and what success looks like. Overview of the Process FMEA approach aligned to the RM13004 Reference Manual. Links to further help and guidance.

Learning Objectives
By attending this webminar, you will be able to:
Evaluate and contribute to the Design FMEA activity
Complete a Process Flow Diagram (PFD) in line with AS13004 requirements
Lead the development of a Process FMEA on a manufacturing / assembly process
Assess Process Risks and prioritize actions
Identify appropriate risk mitigation improvement actions
Learn how to develop a Control Plan from the Process FMEA information
Create Reference Process FMEAs for future use in creating Part Specific PFMEAs
Set out a deployment strategy for your business for AS13004

Who Should Attend
This course is intended for personnel developing, qualifying and implementing the essential requirements to establish an acceptable PFMEA program for use on aero engine parts and assemblies.

Rules of e-learning
1.Go through the e-learning video
2.Complete the Test Assessment (passing mark = 80%)
3.Complete training evaluation

Source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0KhJV3IJjI

Course Owner: Shazwani (shazwani.abdul@sam-malaysia.com)
Training Duration: 4 hours
  • AS13100 Key Requirements for Process FMEA & Control Plans Webinar
  • post test
  • Training Evaluation - L1
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed